Rooted Life

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Could your diet be making you tired?

Could your diet be making you tired?

It’s no secret: food is medicine. And it can also be poison, depending on what you’re eating. What you put into your body affects so many aspects of your health, including your energy. Could your diet be making you tired? Is it at the root of why you’re feeling burnt out? Let’s find out…

There are many reasons women can experience fatigue. You could be perfectly healthy but have had a poor night’s sleep, and you’re exhausted the next day. That’s not what we’re talking about here.

What about when you’re tired every day?


  • You need caffeine to get going in the morning? And if you miss it all hell breaks loose.

  • You have a predictable afternoon slump and can’t get any work done?

  • You’re overall too tired to do the things that you really want to do in your life? Like play with your kids or spend quality time with your partner?

When fatigue is a regular part of your life and you long to get your spark back, diet is one of the first places to look for answers. Even if that fatigue also is mental- like where you’ve got ‘brain fog’ or can’t concentrate- or even emotional, where you’re almost feeling depressed- food is usually part of the problem.

The flip side is that diet can be a solution, too! The right foods can get you back some energy on a physical level- and typically, that energy will start spilling into other aspects of your life. You’ll have more brainpower. More emotional energy. You’ll want to be social again.

In the video below, I unpack:

  1. The main ways that food can zap your energy- and the specific kinds of foods that are energy zappers.

  2. The number one thing you can do to discover how food is impacting your energy.

  3. My top 6 food-related action steps for re-igniting your energy.

I hope this was helpful for you. For even more details on how to eat for more energy, grab my free burnout Diet Blueprint, below:

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