7 Tips to Stay Healthy While Traveling

7 Tips to Stay Healthy While Traveling

Whenever one of my clients is faced with the prospect of traveling- whether it’s for work or for fun- the same concern pops up: “How am I going to stay on track?”.

They worry they’ll end up missing their workouts and their morning routine, and ditch their healthy diet, “ruining” all the progress they’ve made.

But here’s two things I want you to take in:

  1. Traveling doesn’t mean you have to drop any of your routines. Modify them? Yes. But completely ditch them, no.

  2. Even if you DO drop your healthy habits when you travel, that doesn’t mean your progress is “ruined”- it’s just a bump in the road, and when you get home there is no reason you can’t return to normal.

That said, here are seven tips to help you stay on track the next time you take a trip, whether it’s a month-long excursion or a weekend getaway, so that you can feel confident that you’re staying true to you goals and values.

  1. Maintain your morning routinE

    Got a morning routine while you’re at home? GOOD. Don’t drop it while you’re away! That little dose of self-care in the morning will help you make the most of each day.

    Depending on the circumstances, you may need to modify your routine a bit. For instance, if you normally exercise for an hour in the morning but you’ll be pressed for time on your trip, just make sure you move your body, even if it’s just 15 minutes.

    By contrast, if you’re on a self-care sort of vacation (e.g. away in a relaxing destination), you could even extend your morning routine to include the kinds of activities you just don’t normally have time for. Don’t have a routine yet? No worries! Head to this post to learn how to create a morning routine that you’ll love.

  2. Make room for exercise

    Even if you only have ten free minutes, do something active every day. Take a walk. Go to the hotel gym or try a quick yoga class online (I love using the Alo Moves app). Try to plan out in advance what you’ll do each day. You don’t need to keep up the long workouts you normally do at home while you’re in a hotel room or staying at someone else’s house- it’s probably not viable and it’s a lot of pressure to put on yourself. Your main goal should be to do something active, so that you’re staying consistent. That way, when you return home, it won’t feel so difficult- physically or mentally- to get back into your normal routine. In other words, try to maintain your healthy habits, even when you’re away.

  3. Pack healthy snacks

    Almost always, packing your own healthy snacks is a better bet than hoping you’ll magically find a place that sells healthy snacks that you like at the airport or on the road. Here are some ideas:

    • Energy balls (like these double chocolate ones)

    • Hummus, raw veggies, and whole grain crackers.

    • Fresh fruit and nuts

    • Apples and nut butter

    • Low-sugar granola bars

    • Sugar-free jerky

    • Hard boiled eggs

  4. Nourish your body with balanced meals

    When you travel, you usually eat out a lot- or just have less control over your food options. So do your best to stick to foods that will make you feel your best and supply you with the energy you need to enjoy your time away at home. Aim for balanced meals- that means meals that include protein, healthy fats, and fiber. Try to fill roughly half your plate with veggies. And do your best to limit sugar and processed foods.

  5. Stay hydrated

    Keep drinking the H2O. Need I say more?! Now’s not the time to dehydrate your body (unless you want to feel exhausted every day). Bring a water bottle on your trip and refill it regularly.

  6. Let loose a little

    Whether you’re on vacation or a work trip, give yourself leeway to indulge in a treat or two. And choose those treats wisely! We’re not talking about the crappy chips from the roadside gas station. Rather, indulge in food or drink that you will LOVE. If you’re in Rome, enjoy the pasta and red wine. When you’re in the tropics, savor that fancy umbrella drink. At your family’s barbecue, relish in your aunt’s famous pasta salad. And don’t feel guilty about any of it.

  7. Share your intentions

    Enlisting the support of others is crucial for attaining any goal. So, especially if you’re traveling with other people, or will be visiting family or friends, share with them your health goals and ask them to help you stick to them while you’re away from home.

Enjoy your trip!

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