How to Get Motivated to Exercise

How to Make Exercise Easier

You want to exercise. You know it’s good for you, that it helps to de-stress your body, and that you usually feel better mentally and sleep better after doing it. But somehow, you struggle to make exercise a regular habit. Too many days, when the time comes to get in your walk or go the gym, you just “don’t feel like it”.

So what can you do to get more motivated to exercise?

I’ve found that the one of the toughest parts of healing burnout is developing new habits. Heck, for anyone trying to “get healthy”, creating and sticking to new habits is the biggest challenge. Anything new, that feels ‘hard’ (at least at first) or that takes you away from activities that appear more important, is going to be challenging to stick to.

So let’s explore how you can get over this motivation hump.


Truth: You won’t always feel like working out

You’re not going to always feel like exercising. There will be many days that you’d rather hang out on the couch come 5pm than get in a workout. If this is you, you’re definitely not alone! It happens to everybody, even the most fit and elite athletes.

The difference is that people who exercise regularly do it even when they don’t feel like it. They plan out their day (maybe even their week) so that there’s space for exercise. They find ways to make it easier to get to the gym, get in that morning walk, go for that bike ride, or whatever. They schedule it in and they make it happen, even if they don’t always feel like making it happen.

How do you become that person? The one who’s got a regular exercise routine and rarely misses it? It’s easier than you think.

In this video I give you some of my best tips for ensuring you get your exercise, even when you don’t feel like it:

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I’ve got another blog post that includes loads of tips on how to create a consistent exercise routine: Make Movement Work for You.

I hope this was helpful! If you’ve got questions, please leave a comment, I’d love to help :)