Summer Green Smoothie

Summer’s coming and with it comes the desire to feel light, to eat lighter, and to imbibe the fresh flavors and vibes of summer. Enter: Summer Green Smoothie. A nutritionally balanced smoothie you can enjoy for breakfast or as a snack. It gets its flavors from sweet mango and juicy lime. This recipe is plant-based, dairy-free, and gluten-free.

Summer Green Smoothie

Makes 1 smoothie


1 cup frozen mango

Juice of 1/2 a lime

Generous handful of spinach

1T ground flaxseed

1T chia seeds

2T hemp seeds

1 cup coconut water


*sub kale for spinach

*sub pineapple for mango

*add a chunk of ripe avocado for extra creamy-ness

*Use more lime juice or toss an entire 1/2 lime into the blender



Place everything in a blender and blend until smooth. Enjoy!