Easy Summer Meal Prep

Easy Summer Meal Prep

Food and nutrition tend to be the first things that I work on with new clients. And for good reason- food is medicine. With the right foods, you’ll have more energy to do the things that matter most to you each day. And with good meals that nourish your body and mind, you’re in a better position to start making other (sometimes bigger) changes in your life.

But eating healthy (or healthier) usually requires a bit of forethought- a little planning and prepping.

That’s where meal prep come in. It’s a literal game changer. Yes, it takes some practice to master, but once you’ve got it nailed down, your life becomes simpler and your meals become more delicious and healthy. You’ll actually spend less time in the kitchen, and more time living your life. Promise!

Summer can actually be the easiest time to meal prep- or to start developing this skill. And we’ve still got quite a bit of summer left to drink up! So let’s get to it.

In the video below, I provide tips for meal prepping in the summer months. These are ideas that I put into practice on a regular basis, and that many of my health coaching clients use as well.

I hope this little tutorial is helpful. If you’ve got questions, please leave a comment below!